Wednesday, July 31, 2013
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20 years on, does text messaging still work? | Marketing magazine
Two decades since Richard Jarvis received the first text message to his phone, Joe Barber finds out that this unique channel still affords major advantages.
Does text messaging still work for brands? I get asked this question often, which is amazing since it was less than six years ago I was being asked ?what is text messaging? in the context of mobile marketing. In such a relatively short space of time it is considered old school.
The earliest incarnation of a text message was in fact sent in the 1920s. RCA Communications of New York (now known as Verizon Wireless) sent text messages referred to as a ?telex? over transatlantic circuits. Despite this, the first text or SMS message is generally regarded as that sent by Neil Papworth in the UK using a personal computer to the phone of Richard Jarvis in December of 1992.
On the 20th anniversary of text messaging it was estimated that Australians sent a record-breaking 223 million messages to mark the start of 2013. It?s actually quite amazing that the telco networks were able to hold up to such massive spikes in traffic. There would have been no shame in a few network hiccups caused by such unprecedented burst demand in such a small window of time.
One of the interesting drivers behind such prolific growth is the success of smartphone adoption among Australians. With growth close on 100% for 2012, it is estimated that smartphones now represent almost 50% of phone users. And that leads us to the relevance of text messaging for mobile campaigns. Has the ?funky and cool? impact of mobile marketing using SMS and MMS ended? Do consumers still react to an SMS-based call to action? Is the ROI still there?
Before going on, it is important, as I?ve discussed many times in the past, to understand consumer segmentation in respect to their usage of mobiles. When we consider online activities, such as online retail, an assessment of usage must only take into account those with the technology and propensity to go online. That?s around half the mobile user community.
With messaging, the audience is more like 80% of the consumers, despite 100% of the phones on the market and in use supporting text messaging. Some user segments will do nothing more than phone calls ? a small but existent percentage. With online activities, the available audience is 50% (smartphone users). The importance of this is to properly read and understand market statistics and the real opportunity segment or size of the market when measuring success or response rates.
Messaging ? does it still work? Unquestionably. However, consumers are now less forgiving and less tolerant of ill-considered campaign executions. The engagement opportunity is sub-second and the retention rate is far lower. However, for many organisations with well-refined processes and tactical implementation guidelines, text messaging still out- performs email at a significant enough ratio to justify the cost versus email.
Substantially, the rules haven?t changed for a successful text message campaign. What has changed is the customer?s expectations and tolerance levels. Disjointed and seemingly orphaned executions fail to gain traction and those with marginal consumer benefit are completely ignored. In fact, poor offers can generate a flood of unsubscribes or ?STOP? messages degrading the value of your customer database and reducing your ability to leverage in the future.
The single most important facet of any text campaign is to deliver value. You have ?touched? the consumer directly and for that moment in time when they are reading the message they are yours to engage. Give the consumer a reward and some value for doing so. Offer them a real benefit that isn?t the same as going in-store or thumbing through a pamphlet in the letterbox. Give the consumer great value, great benefits, real savings or an offer that is exceptional value and worth the interruption. Anything short of this and you not only lose the consumer for that moment, but potentially in the longer-term too.
Offers do not necessarily need to be all about discounts. Saving money certainly excites a customer, but there are many other offer formats that can incite a call to action and even create ongoing engagement. There is one list I am on that I tolerate their weekly specials because once a quarter I get my invitation to a members-only clearance sale held on a Monday night ? one of the few nights I usually have free. I get good discounts and shop feeling like a VIP.
Another strategy is to bundle. Distract the consumer from real price comparisons and create a unique product bundle that cannot be compared. It alleviates the fear of paying too much and allows consumers to feel satisfied with a great bundle offer ? and in many retail segments it?s the add- ons and accessories where the real margin sits anyway!
An important aspect to any offer, voucher or bundle is to make sure you don?t destroy its value. I used to enjoy receiving a 25% off VIP text coupon for a particular brand until I realised that the very next week everything was 25% off anyway. It almost had the reverse effect, feeling that I was being used or treated like an idiot. If you make an offer, ensure it remains a true benefit. Ensure the value and consumer?s positive emotions remain positive and they continue to feel special.
Strengthen the offer by being strategic in when you send it and to whom in your opt-in database you send it. Don?t send ?40% off in-store ? just show this text? to a customer in a different state. Don?t send a discount for products that your customer paid full price for last week.
Mobiles are very personal and, unlike PCs, they are not shared devices, so you don?t need to cater for a mixed audience. But you do need to consider smart segmentation of your target audience. These days it is possible to understand quite a lot about your customers. You should be able to see their purchase history, email response rates and even when they react to text campaigns. Use this data to segment your offers. Even with the same offer, track when a customer tends to respond to messages. Is it in the morning during their transit or at lunch time? Understand that text messages are different to emails. Emails are read during ?work time? whereas text messages are more likely read at breaks or outside hours. Although, even that is changing with recent studies showing that over 70% of emails to personal addresses are read on mobiles, so this would change send time strategies even for email.
I went back to some of my old customers who have been doing text campaigns consistently for more than four to five years. All of them were still doing SMS text messages, with many of them blending in MMS. Over time they had generally found that MMS was a valuable format to mix in with text messaging. Regardless of the format and based on continued refinement of offers, it was unanimously supported that the ROI on text messages has in fact grown and continues to be a valuable tool in their arsenal.
Text messaging is still working. Good customer segmentation combined with effective offers is delivering good results. Despite many consumers receiving upwards of 45 messages a day, according to recent research, a strong call to action still motivates a response. But campaigns need to be well-planned, well-structured and deliver real value.
As a final note, it is interesting how many organisations ignore all their available brand reinforcement and sales channels that can be leveraged by text messaging. It is now commonplace, for example, to receive confirmation of doctor or dentist appointments by text message. Most consumers see this as a ?service? rather than marketing. But every touch point is a chance to impress and to generate referral business. The best customer is one that experiences exceptional service, be it a smooth or challenged transaction. In fact, an upset customer converted is typically your most valuable and loyal.
Over the past five months, I?ve used at least 10 Australian online retail sites to order products. All of them generated email confirmations and some were well-written, while others were obviously designed by computer engineers. In about half the cases I received a follow-up email after delivery, but they were dry and bland messages. Interestingly, one email thanking me for my purchase and ?trusting delivery and the product all transpired without problems? arrived three days before the actual delivery. Poorly integrated systems!
One online experience stood out. Not because of the price ? in fact, I can?t even recall if it was a great price or not. But what I do recall is the text message exchange offering two delivery dates and then a 30-minute warning message on the actual delivery day. It even offered a solution if I wasn?t home, asking if I wanted the delivery left somewhere. But it didn?t end there. Two weeks later, I received a gift in the mail (a screen cleaner, almost zero value, but it reminded me of the great service). I then received a text message after a month offering me a higher value add-on at a discount ? an engagement with this brand that lingered well beyond the price with very positive reflections.
Text messaging is not just a marketing tool. It?s a tool that can be entrenched in all stages of consumer communications. Every touch point is a chance to enhance the experience or destroy it. Despite the incredible efforts in-store and online made by staff, often a single interaction seemingly distant from the sales and marketing initiatives can damage all the hard work. It was great to see a brand leveraging the immediacy and interactivity capabilities of text messaging to turn my shopping experience into something so memorable.
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South Africa is 'immature', says Swaziland
"Just because South Africa is better at soccer than Swaziland, the neighbouring country cannot dictate how Swaziland should be governed. They are off the mark. What they said lacks truth," Swazi government spokesperson Percy Simelane told the Swazi media on Wednesday.
He was reacting to a South African parliamentary debate about Swaziland in May.
Swaziland's local media reprinted a question and answer session between South African MPs and international relations officials.
MPs raised concerns over the state of democracy in Swaziland, given King Mswati III's absolute authority. They questioned the banning of political parties opposed to the monarch's rule.
"They didn't do their homework. The Swazi Constitution does not specifically ban political parties," Simelane said.
He said South Africa's own Parliament did not contain representatives of communities on the ground.
"None of these [MPs]?got to Parliament through the ballot, but through political parties. The Swaziland government's view is that South Africa's Parliament has no right to discuss Swaziland and that only South Africa's president may have discussions with King Mswati."
He said the Swazi government was displeased with the mentioning of King Mswati III's name in the debate. Swazi MPs were forbidden from mentioning his name in parliamentary debates.
"Swaziland has its own leaders and they must be approached with respect. Any country that wants to advise Swaziland must follow United Nations' rules," Simelane said, without explaining which rules he was referring to.
He said only "diplomatic niceties" prevented Swaziland from telling South African voters they should recall their elected officials.
"Had we not known better, we would be asking the South African electorate to correct the mistakes they made during the last election," Simelane said.
Attempts to get comment from South African presidency?spokesperson Mac Maharaj were unsuccessful on Wednesday. ? Sapa
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George Washington Library Set to Open This Fall
Presidential libraries have only been around for about 75 years.
However, there has never been one for our first chief executive.
But now, the George Washington Library is getting ready to open.
It will be at Mount Vernon on the Potomac River.
It will feature some of the president's original books as well as sell Washington's brand of whiskey.
The library will open this fall.
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
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Pope on gays: 'Who am I to judge'
ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRCRAFT (AP) ? Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his first foreign trip.
"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked.
His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten.
Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican from his first foreign trip in Brazil.
He was funny and candid during a news conference that lasted almost an hour and a half. He didn't dodge a single question, even thanking the journalist who raised allegations reported by an Italian newsmagazine that one of his trusted monsignors was involved in a scandalous gay tryst.
Francis said he investigated and found nothing to back up the allegations.
Francis was asked about Italian media reports suggesting that a group within the church tried to blackmail fellow church officials with evidence of their homosexual activities. Italian media reported this year that the allegations contributed to Benedict's decision to resign
While stressing Catholic social teaching that calls for homosexuals to be treated with dignity and not marginalized, Francis said it was something else entirely to conspire to use private information for blackmail or to exert pressure.
Francis was responding to reports that a trusted aide was involved in an alleged gay tryst a decade ago. He said he investigated the allegations according to canon law and found nothing to back them up. But he took journalists to task for reporting on the matter, saying the allegations concerned matters of sin, not crimes like sexually abusing children.
And when someone sins and confesses, he said, God not only forgives but forgets.
"We don't have the right to not forget," he said.
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Monday, July 29, 2013
Most of the talent that worked the US shows in Georgia over the weekend are heading for the tour of South Africa today.? At least it's a shorter flight than Australia.
Jim Ross did his latest blog yesterday.? You can read it by clicking here.
Marty Hawrysko sent this item. ... CM Punk was on with Laurence Holmes (a wrestling fan himself) earlier this week on "670 The Score" WSCR/Chicago. Punk discussed celebrating with the Stanley Cup Champion Blackhawks, some comic book stuff (Punk will be at the Chicago Wizard World Comic Con in August), the Chicago Cubs, and a little WWE stuff, including his relationship with Vince McMahon. A great, down to earth interview.? You can hear the interview by clicking here.? Make sure to choose the 7/25/13, Hour 3 podcast.
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BBC and Imperial College design manned mission to Mars
A team at Imperial College London has been commissioned by the BBC to produce a concept design for a mission to Mars. The design is a reasonably minimal one, with a three-person crew travelling to Mars on a combination habitat/EDS. The Mars lander vehicle is connected to the habitat by an extensible tether, and the two rotate around their common centre of mass to generate artificial gravity.
The crew would return to Martian orbit aboard a previously sent lander vehicle, fuelled by propellants harvested from Martian ice.
Rocketeer comments: The concept is sound, and the BBC's renewed interest in manned spaceflight is welcome. The mission design isn't terribly original, though, being a minor tweak on Zubrin's Mars Direct concept. Not that surprising, really... given the same set of technological assumptions, good engineering will tend to converge on the same answers...
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Japan insurer Tokio Marine eyes more acquisitions in U.S., Mexico
By Taiga Uranaka
TOKYO | Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:03pm BST
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokio Marine Holdings Inc (8766.T) is seeking acquisitions in the United States and Mexico to spread out its risk, the CEO of Japan's largest property-casualty insurer by market value said, as rivals go after growth closer to home in Southeast Asia.
With sizable business in Britain and North America, Tokio Marine is currently the most geographically diverse Japanese insurer. CEO and President Tsuyoshi Nagano told Reuters Tokio Marine was keen to further expand abroad to diversify its risk, rather than to offset weak growth prospects at home.
"Some say we have relatively big concentration of risk exposure to North America, but we can achieve risk diversification within the region," Nagano said in an interview.
"There are many potential candidates. There are many niche and boutique-style property and casualty insurers in the United States, and we can choose such companies for risk diversification," he added, declining to give any names.
The company is also eyeing Mexico as a market of vast potential, Nagano said, adding that Tokio Marine's current operations in the country only generate about $20 million (13 million pounds) in annual premium revenue.
"There is a limit to what we can do in an organic way. We are considering options including M&A," he added.
Nagano, 60, took over in June from Shuzo Sumi, who in his six-year tenure acquired several overseas firms including U.S. insurer Philadelphia Consolidated for $4.7 billion deal and Lloyd's of London insurer Kiln for $671 million.
Nagano himself led the talks to buy U.S. insurer Delphi for about $2.7 billion in 2011, when he was a senior executive.
Tokio Marine is on track to boost revenues from its overseas operations to $10 billion for the next financial year, which ends in March 2015, from about $7.3 billion in the 2012/13 financial year which ended this March, Nagano said.
"These targets are figures for organic growth. And we are on track to achieve them," he said.
In Southeast Asia, where several other Japanese insurers have been snapping up assets, Tokio Marine is likely to build up the business it currently has rather than go after what Nagano called over-valued assets.
"Indonesia is a large market. But it's hard to obtain good assets for reasonable prices. We have to make it big in an organic way," he said.
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co Ltd (8750.T) said last month it has agreed to buy a 40 percent stake in Indonesia's Panin Life for 3.3 trillion rupiah ($336.5 million).
Last week, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co has agreed to pay about $700 million to buy a 15 percent stake Thai Life Insurance Insurance Co.
($1 = 100.1650 Japanese yen)
(Editing by Miral Fahmy)
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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Can Derrick Rose Prove That He Is the Best Point Guard in the NBA?
Derrick Rose has a lot to prove this coming NBA season.
As a result of monster 2012-13 campaigns from Chris Paul and Tony Parker, one rarely hears Derrick Rose?s name mentioned in the conversation of who is the best point guard in the NBA.
Some might have forgotten how prolific Rose was for the Chicago Bulls prior to tearing his ACL.
He led the Bulls to four straight postseason appearances in his first four seasons in the league. He was named the 2010-11 NBA MVP over LeBron James. And, of more importance, he turned the Chicago Bulls into a contender, something that they had not been since the days of Michael Jordan.
While he has certainly achieved a great deal throughout his time in the league, will Rose be able to prove that he is the best point guard in the game?
Well, the answer is a simple yes.?
Having been out for an entire year, Rose has had time to work on his game.
Now, it is true that we do not know if Rose will still have the same level of explosiveness that we grew accustomed to seeing. And after suffering an injury of the nature that he did, he probably will tone down his aggressive pace to some degree.
However, we should expect to see a more evolved player, so to speak. According to Bulls head coach Tom Thibodeau, via Nick Friedell of?,?Rose has taken his game to a new level offensively: ?
He's put a ton of time into his shooting because basically that's all he could do along with his rehab stuff.
Each year that Derrick's been in the league he's added to his game. So this is a continuation of all the things he's done in the past. Every summer he's concentrated on something and we may see more post-ups and things of that nature, more catch-and-shoot for him also.
From year to year, Rose has improved his shooting, especially from three-point territory.
In his first two seasons in the NBA, Rose attempted less than one three-pointer a game. However, in his third season, Rose attempted 4.6 three-pointers a game.
Although Rose only knocked down 33.2 percent of his three-point attempts during his third season, it was evident that he had put the time in to improve his shooting mechanics.?
Hence, if he has indeed gone to great lengths to turn his weaknesses into strengths, it is highly likely that Rose will come out better than ever.?
After all, history shows that some players have returned after long hiatuses and performed at a high level.
Remember when Dwyane Wade went down due to injury during the latter part of the 2007-08 regular season, only to come back the following season and average 30.2 points, 7.5 assists and 2.2 steals a game?
Will we see a more dynamic Derrick Rose come the regular season?
Will we see a more dynamic Derrick Rose come the regular season?
Think back to when Michael Jordan broke his left foot during his second year in the NBA. Many doubted that he would be able to come back and perform at an elite level. As we all know, he came back built to destroy the competition and carved out one of the greatest careers in the history of sports.
The point is that Rose will return with a more immense skill set and polished game overall. Although he was already a different type of beast compared to the rest of the NBA, get ready to see a D-Rose that none of us have seen before.
Now, although some have questioned Rose's confidence after his decision to sit out the entire?regular season and the Bulls' postseason run, Rose is still mentally tough.?
In the video below, CNN?s Pedro Pinto asked Rose who he believes the best player in the NBA is, only to receive an answer far from what he and anyone else would expect:
Is Rose better than LeBron? No, but it's a good thing to be that confident.
Could you sense the seriousness of Rose?s response? He really believes that he is not only the best point guard in the game, but also the best player, period. Yes, even better than four-time MVP LeBron James.
While his answer is certainly a laughable one, it does signify that he is still confident.?
A perfect example of the aforementioned can be found in the?video below, which highlights Rose in transition during a regular season game in Miami two years ago:
Rose's upper-body control is world class.
After a steal, Rose flew down the court with LeBron and Wade with him step-by-step, only to finish with a beautiful left-hand reverse with the defense draped all over him.
Although he had two of the greatest transition defenders in the history of the NBA stuck to him like glue, Rose did not back down.
How many players can you think of who would go one-on-two in the open court against LeBron and Wade? Honestly, it is hard to think of anybody who would.?
Rose will prove to everyone that he has the game needed to be considered the best point guard in the NBA.?Although some may have already written him off, the doubt and pessimism from skeptics will only fuel his desire to come back better than ever.
Yes, the NBA better get ready, for ?The Return? of Rose will be one unlike any other.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all stats are by way of and
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NOW ID?s debut ?The Wedding? reminiscent of New York dance scene
(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) Nathan Webster, managing director, and Charlotte Boye-Christensen, artistic director, of NOW International Dance. After spending 11 years as the artistic director at Ririe-Woodbury, Charlotte Boye-Christensen has started her own dance company called NOW International Dance. It's the city's first new dance company in several years. NOW's first performance will be July 26 and 27 at the Masonic Temple in Salt Lake City.
Dance ? Production imperfect but paves path for new company.
"The Wedding," a 60-minute dance-theater piece directed by choreographer Charlotte Boye-Christensen and produced by her debut company NOW ID, seemed not to be about the ritual of marriage as advertised but rather about change and contrast. One performer stalks the stage in long deliberate strides, turning back in search of something. Another dancer slowly extends her leg high above her head in a technical display, while her partner unaffectedly spirals his body to the floor.
In a style that looks and feels like the New York downtown dance scene, "The Wedding" is an evening-length work in a nontraditional setting, with D.J.-mixed music and a single theme. The mood shifts between deadly serious and playful as when the groomsmen from Boye-Christensen?s actual wedding the previous day awkwardly swarm the stage. The nondancers enter after a beautiful, weighted duet between dancers Katherine Lawrence Orlowski and Jo Blake. The groomsmen portray the genuine discomfort real-life participants often display when shifting their stance at the altar.
Review: NOW ID?s ?The Wedding?
NOW ID?s debut performance offers audiences a new look at dance and the traditions of dance companies.
When ? reviewed Friday; continues Saturday, July 27, 7:30 p.m.
Where ? Masonic Temple, 650 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City
Tickets ? Adults $30, students/seniors $15;
Running time ? One hour
Real weddings are choreographed and rehearsed for a specific group of invited guests. Similarly, "The Wedding?s" magical staging was perhaps its most intriguing part. Entering the historic Masonic Temple on a sweltering evening in Salt Lake City surrounded by patrons with infants in arms and friends greeting one another in unfamiliar languages suggested a different voyage awaited.
Lighting by James K. Larsen and sound score by Jesse Walker established a world that fell somewhere between cathedral and nightclub once inside the theater. And the short 60-minute length of the program broke the rules and conventions of dance performance tradition.
Most audience members either have attended a wedding or have been married and bring a personal experience to this replication. My seat mate was recently married and the activity on the main stage seemed relevant to her present turbulent life. I have been married for 33 years and kept waiting for the dancer-couple to move up onto the "living room" set of furniture on the elevated back stage to start living their life.
Within the collage of vignettes, actor-dancer Ted Johnson moved with a fascinating sense of timing and informed phrasing. And Lawrence?s performance found that rarely discovered opening where choreography and technique disappear into the other and the audience experiences dancing purely as a human story.
The problem in this particular wedding performance is that although each performer was impressive individually, none of them seemed to have any real connection to the other. And until the end where the traditional wedding march music and formation builds, the intended subject of a public-private ritual was not apparent.
Boye-Christensen has gone out a limb to do something very uncontrolled and new to Salt Lake with this first attempt by NOW ID. And although it was less than perfect the components are in place for the next step.
story continues below
Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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LA Galaxy drop their third straight road game in 2-0 defeat to Colorado Rapids
COMMERCE CITY, Colo. ? The road troubles just keep on coming for the LA Galaxy.
LA dropped their third straight road match on Saturday with a 2-0 defeat to the Colorado Rapids in a plodding game at Dick?s Sporting Goods Park. The Galaxy have struggled mightily away from home this season, ironically, their last road win came at StubHub Center against Chivas USA.
The last time that LA won a road game not played in Carson? Back on May 15 against the Philadelphia Union, some two months and 12 MLS Regular Season games ago. In their defeat to Colorado, LA exhibited the traits that have plagued them this season conceding on set pieces and struggling to create chances without several key players.
Following the match defender Todd Dunivant admitted that the Galaxy simply ?lost fair and square? to the Rapids, but was quick to mention that they must get better away from home.
?I think we have to start getting a better mentality of getting points on the road. We have to be a little smarter,? said Dunivant. ?Again, we're not pushing ourselves out of position or anything like that. It's just a mentality we have to get back to of trying to get a point first and foremost.?
While late goals have been a recurring problem for LA this year, against Colorado, it was an early goal in the second half that truly did them in. Just minutes into the second half, Dillon Powers broke through the center of the Galaxy defense off a pass from Edson Buddle then nudged past Sean Franklin for a shot that beat LA ?keeper Carlo Cudicini.
Following Powers? goal, LA created little going forward as they failed to truly test the Colorado defense until a pair of chances for Gyasi Zardes in stoppage time.
?It bothers us because we knew there was a second 45 [minutes]. You talk about going out and not giving up a goal in the first fifteen and that's where we gave up another goal a few minutes into the second half. That kind of put us behind the ball,? said Franklin. ?It's frustrating knowing how well we played in the first half and they got a goal like that at the end of the first half. It's unacceptable. Our team's better than that. We've just got to bounce back when we get the chance to play again.?
As they look to fix this problem, the message is clear: LA must learn to close out halves once again.
?We've got to get back to being satisfied with a draw even on the road. It's tough to run especially here with this altitude,? said DeLaGarza. ?We've got to have a better road mentality. It's as simple as that.?
Upon the conclusion of the Guinness International Championship Cup in two weeks, LA will continue their road swing with an away match against FC Dallas on Saturday, Aug. 11. While the cure for the road blues remains elusive, LA?s head coach was none too concerned about his club?s difficulties away from StubHub Center.
?I don?t really care,? said Bruce Arena. ?That?s not a factor at this point.?
As LA heads into final stretch of the season, they?ll need to tighten up on this issue to prevent it from becoming a factor that could hinder them come postseason time.
Adam Serrano is the LA Galaxy Insider. Read his blog at and contact him
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
Russell Knox shoots 59 in Boise Open
BOISE, Idaho (AP) ? Russell Knox shot the fifth 59 in Tour history Friday, missing a chance to break the tour record when he settled for pars on the final two holes in the second round of the Boise Open.
The 28-year-old Scot had two eagles and eight birdies in his bogey-free round at 6,807-yard, par-71 Hillcrest Country Club. He made a 7-foot par putt on his final hole, the par-4 ninth.
Knox is the second Tour player in two weeks to shoot 59, following Will Wilcox in the Utah Championship. Notah Begay III had a 59 in the 1998 Dominion Open, Doug Dunakey accomplished the feat in the 1998 Miami Valley Open and Jason Gore did it in the 2005 Cox Classic.
Knox had a one-stroke lead at 13 over after opening with a 69 on Thursday.
Knox was 11 under in an 11-hole stretch. He began the run with a birdie on No. 15, eagled the par-5 16th and birdied No. 17. After pars on Nos. 18 and 1, he eagled the par-5 second and birdied the next five holes.
The former Jacksonville University player won the tour's 2011 Chiquita Classic.
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Migraine is associated with variations in structure of brain arteries
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Contact: Kim Menard
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Incomplete circle of Willis more common in subjects with migraine
PHILADELPHIA The network of arteries supplying blood flow to the brain is more likely to be incomplete in people who suffer migraine, a new study by researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania reports. Variations in arterial anatomy lead to asymmetries in cerebral blood flow that might contribute to the process triggering migraines.
The arterial supply of blood to the brain is protected by a series of connections between the major arteries, termed the "circle of Willis" after the English physician who first described it in the 17th century. People with migraine, particularly migraine with aura, are more likely to be missing components of the circle of Willis.
Migraine affects an estimated 28 million Americans, causing significant disability. Experts once believed that migraine was caused by dilation of blood vessels in the head, while more recently it has been attributed to abnormal neuronal signals. In this study, appearing in PLOS ONE, researchers suggest that blood vessels play a different role than previously suspected: structural alterations of the blood supply to the brain may increase susceptibility to changes in cerebral blood flow, contributing to the abnormal neuronal activity that starts migraine.
"People with migraine actually have differences in the structure of their blood vessels - this is something you are born with," said the study's lead author, Brett Cucchiara, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology. "These differences seem to be associated with changes in blood flow in the brain, and it's possible that these changes may trigger migraine, which may explain why some people, for instance, notice that dehydration triggers their headaches."
In a study of 170 people from three groups - a control group with no headaches, those who had migraine with aura, and those who had migraine without aura - the team found that an incomplete circle of Willis was more common in people with migraine with aura (73 percent) and migraine without aura (67 percent), compared to a headache-free control group (51 percent). The team used magnetic resonance angiography to examine blood vessel structure and a noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging method pioneered at the University of Pennsylvania, called Arterial spin labeling (ASL), to measure changes in cerebral blood flow.
"Abnormalities in both the circle of Willis and blood flow were most prominent in the back of the brain, where the visual cortex is located. This may help explain why the most common migraine auras consist of visual symptoms such as seeing distortions, spots, or wavy lines," said the study's senior author, John Detre, MD, Professor of Neurology and Radiology.
Both migraine and incomplete circle of Willis are common, and the observed association is likely one of many factors that contribute to migraine in any individual. The researchers suggest that at some point diagnostic tests of circle of Willis integrity and function could help pinpoint this contributing factor in an individual patient. Treatment strategies might then be personalized and tested in specific subgroups.
In addition to Dr. Cucchiara and Dr. Detre, the research team at Penn includes Scott Kasner, MD, Ritobrato Datta, PhD, Geoffrey Aguirre, MD, PhD from Neurology, and Ronald Wolf, MD, PhD, from Radiology. Radiologists Lidia Nagae, MD, from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Quan Zhang, PhD, from Tianjin Medical University in Tianjin, China, contributed to the study.
The study was funded by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (R01 NS061572).
Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise.
The Perelman School of Medicine has been ranked among the top five medical schools in the United States for the past 16 years, according to U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $398 million awarded in the 2012 fiscal year.
The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.
Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2012, Penn Medicine provided $827 million to benefit our community.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Contact: Kim Menard
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Incomplete circle of Willis more common in subjects with migraine
PHILADELPHIA The network of arteries supplying blood flow to the brain is more likely to be incomplete in people who suffer migraine, a new study by researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania reports. Variations in arterial anatomy lead to asymmetries in cerebral blood flow that might contribute to the process triggering migraines.
The arterial supply of blood to the brain is protected by a series of connections between the major arteries, termed the "circle of Willis" after the English physician who first described it in the 17th century. People with migraine, particularly migraine with aura, are more likely to be missing components of the circle of Willis.
Migraine affects an estimated 28 million Americans, causing significant disability. Experts once believed that migraine was caused by dilation of blood vessels in the head, while more recently it has been attributed to abnormal neuronal signals. In this study, appearing in PLOS ONE, researchers suggest that blood vessels play a different role than previously suspected: structural alterations of the blood supply to the brain may increase susceptibility to changes in cerebral blood flow, contributing to the abnormal neuronal activity that starts migraine.
"People with migraine actually have differences in the structure of their blood vessels - this is something you are born with," said the study's lead author, Brett Cucchiara, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology. "These differences seem to be associated with changes in blood flow in the brain, and it's possible that these changes may trigger migraine, which may explain why some people, for instance, notice that dehydration triggers their headaches."
In a study of 170 people from three groups - a control group with no headaches, those who had migraine with aura, and those who had migraine without aura - the team found that an incomplete circle of Willis was more common in people with migraine with aura (73 percent) and migraine without aura (67 percent), compared to a headache-free control group (51 percent). The team used magnetic resonance angiography to examine blood vessel structure and a noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging method pioneered at the University of Pennsylvania, called Arterial spin labeling (ASL), to measure changes in cerebral blood flow.
"Abnormalities in both the circle of Willis and blood flow were most prominent in the back of the brain, where the visual cortex is located. This may help explain why the most common migraine auras consist of visual symptoms such as seeing distortions, spots, or wavy lines," said the study's senior author, John Detre, MD, Professor of Neurology and Radiology.
Both migraine and incomplete circle of Willis are common, and the observed association is likely one of many factors that contribute to migraine in any individual. The researchers suggest that at some point diagnostic tests of circle of Willis integrity and function could help pinpoint this contributing factor in an individual patient. Treatment strategies might then be personalized and tested in specific subgroups.
In addition to Dr. Cucchiara and Dr. Detre, the research team at Penn includes Scott Kasner, MD, Ritobrato Datta, PhD, Geoffrey Aguirre, MD, PhD from Neurology, and Ronald Wolf, MD, PhD, from Radiology. Radiologists Lidia Nagae, MD, from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Quan Zhang, PhD, from Tianjin Medical University in Tianjin, China, contributed to the study.
The study was funded by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (R01 NS061572).
Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise.
The Perelman School of Medicine has been ranked among the top five medical schools in the United States for the past 16 years, according to U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $398 million awarded in the 2012 fiscal year.
The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.
Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2012, Penn Medicine provided $827 million to benefit our community.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Friday, July 26, 2013
Balancing foster kids and Bios - Forums
Now that we have foster son, it was difficult at first, your first instinct is to baby and coddle the new child...but after abit it becomes natural. I treat it like I had another bio....I try to be the same with our foster son as I would with a bioson.....such as sharing time, toys, etc. Some children require more attention than others...for example my FS is still so young and often clings to me...but my BS who is 5 has been a mamas boy for we slowly learned to give our FS the attention he needed, but made our BSs feel included. We make sure there are plenty of toys that everyone shares, but some that each child has to themselves.
MY boys complain at times about crying or our FS being loud or something, but that is normal complaints...they love him to death and are really enjoying having another child in the house and helping with his care....It is just like having another child, but suddenly with additional stress of visits, but that stress normally just involves you and doesnt really impact htem as much.
I wish you the best of luck in this husband was nervous at first and was worried it would impact our bios negatively, but now he realizes that it is just like having another child, and it teaches our children some valuable life lessons along the way.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Senate passes bill on student loan rates
FILE - Prospective students tour Georgetown University's campus in Washington, in this Wednesday, July 10, 2013, file photo. Grants and scholarships are taking a leading role in paying college bills, surpassing the traditional role parents long have played in helping foot the bills, according to a report from loan giant Sallie Mae. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
FILE - Prospective students tour Georgetown University's campus in Washington, in this Wednesday, July 10, 2013, file photo. Grants and scholarships are taking a leading role in paying college bills, surpassing the traditional role parents long have played in helping foot the bills, according to a report from loan giant Sallie Mae. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Borrowing for tuition, housing and books would be less expensive for college students and their parents this fall but the costs could soon start climbing under a bill the Senate passed overwhelmingly Wednesday.
The bipartisan proposal would link interest rates on federal student loans to the financial markets, providing lower interest rates right away but higher ones later if the economy improves as expected. The measure was similar to one that already had passed the Republican-led House and leaders from both chambers said they predicted the differences to be resolved before students start signing loan documents for the fall term.
"This compromise is a major victory for our nation's students," President Barack Obama said in a statement.
Undergraduates this fall would borrow at a 3.9 percent interest rate. Graduate students would have access to loans at 5.4 percent, and parents would borrow at 6.4 percent. The rates would be locked in for that year's loan, but each year's loan could be more expensive than the last. Rates would rise as the economy picks up and it becomes more expensive for the government to borrow money.
Liberal members of the Democratic caucus were vocal in their opposition over the potentially shifting rates included in the Senate measure, which passed with support from both parties, 81-18. The bill passed with support from 45 Republicans, 35 Democrats and Sen. Angus King, the independent from Maine who helped negotiate the deal.
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, joined 16 Democrats and Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who caucuses with Democrats, to oppose the legislation.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., did not cast a recorded vote.
"This permanent, market-based plan makes students' loans cheaper, simpler and more certain," said Sen. Lamar Alexander, the top Republican on the Senate education panel. "It ends the annual game of Congress playing politics with student loan interest rates at the expense of students planning their futures."
Rates on new subsidized Stafford loans doubled to 6.8 percent July 1 because Congress could not agree on a way to keep them at 3.4 percent. Without congressional action, rates would stay at 6.8 percent ? a reality most lawmakers called unacceptable, although deep differences emerged even among allies as to how to remedy it.
The compromise that came together during the last few weeks would be a good deal for all students through the 2015 academic year. After that, interest rates are expected to climb above where they were when students left campus in the spring, if congressional estimates prove correct.
"That's the same thing credit card companies said when they sold zero-interest rate credit cards. ... The bill comes due," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. "All students will end up paying far higher interest rates on their loans than they do now."
Warren was among the liberal Democrats who labeled the White House-backed proposal a bait-and-switch measure that would lure in new borrowers with low rates now but would cost future students. Throughout the morning and afternoon, they stood to oppose the compromise.
They failed to stop the measure, which seemed to face a clear pathway in the House, which has already passed similar legislation that links interest rates to the financial markets.
Republican Speaker John Boehner promised to "act expeditiously" and the Republican chairman of the House education panel, Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, predicted "the bill's swift passage."
The top Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Rep. George Miller of California, similarly asked Boehner to bring the bill "directly to the House floor for a vote and to pass it without delay."
And the president also encouraged quick action. "I urge the House to pass this bill so that I can sign it into law right away," Obama said in a statement.
The measure's supporters suggested the compromise is better than the status quo for students returning to campus for fall classes.
"Don't let anyone tell you that this is bad deal for students. This is not a bad deal for students. If we don't pass this, students will pay 6.8 percent on their loans. With this bill, they'll pay 3.86 percent. You tell me which is the better deal," said Sen. Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
Harkin said the legislation is not what he would have written if he had the final say. But he also said that he recognized the need to restore the lower rates on students before they return to campus for classes.
"It's the best that we can do," Harkin said on the Senate floor.
He suggested a rewrite of the Higher Education Act this fall could include a comprehensive review of college costs and could revisit the loan rates for future classes.
The White House and its allies said the new loan structure would offer lower rates to 11 million borrowers right away and save the average undergraduate $1,500 in interest charges. Democratic leaders had anticipated defections from within their ranks but counted on Republican support to help them win passage.
Senate Republicans pushed the interest rates to be linked to the financial markets and backed the measure. The deal was negotiated by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and GOP Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, as well as Alexander, King and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
The compromise's similarity to what House Republicans passed this year was a sticking point for some liberals. There was no denying the new structure could cost future students if interest rates climb.
"I suspect they will. They're pretty low right now," said Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del. "Who knows? We don't know."
As part of the compromise, Democrats won a protection for students by capping rates at a maximum 8.25 percent for undergraduates. Graduate students would not pay rates higher than 9.5 percent, and parents' rates would top out at 10.5 percent.
Using Congressional Budget Office estimates, rates would not reach those limits in the next 10 years.
The Congressional Budget Office also estimated the bill as written would reduce the deficit by $715 million over the next decade. During that same time, federal loans would be a $1.4 trillion program.
Follow Philip Elliott on Twitter at
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
2 who stole copper after tornado get probation
Tri-State under severe thunderstorm watch
Tri-State under severe thunderstorm watch
Tuesday, July 23 2013 2:12 PM EDT2013-07-23 18:12:31 GMT
Rain for the remainder of Monday will come in the form of spotty showers and thunderstorms.?The flash flood watch continues but the risk is now minimal.Full Story >StormTracker Doppler Radar is showing showers and thunderstorms firing up around the FOX19 viewing area this afternoon.
Full Story >Man facing charges for sexually abusing child
Man facing charges for sexually abusing child
Tuesday, July 23 2013 2:01 PM EDT2013-07-23 18:01:30 GMT
A man has been arrested in Boone County on charges he sexually abused a young child. Matthew King, 25, was booked into the jail on Monday. There is no word on when he will appear in court. CopyrightFull Story >A man has been arrested in Boone County on charges he sexually abused a young child.Full Story >New Courtyard by Marriott hotel opens in Norwood
New Courtyard by Marriott hotel opens in Norwood
A new hotel is now open at the Rookwood Exchange in Norwood.Full Story >State files suit against Fairfield car dealerships
State files suit against Fairfield car dealerships
Tuesday, July 23 2013 1:43 PM EDT2013-07-23 17:43:03 GMT
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today filed lawsuits against two Fairfield, Ohio, car dealerships for failing to deliver motor vehicle titles as required by law.? In the lawsuits, the Attorney GeneralFull Story >Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today filed lawsuits against two Fairfield, Ohio, car dealerships for failing to deliver motor vehicle titles as required by law.Full Story >Breaking
One dead, one hurt in Sedamsville shooting
One dead, one hurt in Sedamsville shooting
Tuesday, July 23 2013 1:23 PM EDT2013-07-23 17:23:25 GMT
Cincinnati police are investigating a homicide in Sedamsville. Police discovered the unidentified body at 925 Delhi Avenue around noon on Tuesday. That's near the Eatondale Apartment complex. HomicideFull Story >Police discovered the unidentified body at 925 Delhi Avenue around noon on Tuesday. That's near the Eatondale Apartment complex.Full Story >
JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) - Two men who admitted stealing copper wire from the streets of Joplin after the May 2011 tornado have been placed on probation.
A Jasper County judge on Monday granted five years of probation for 32-year-old Nycoa Kracht, of Laurel, Ind., and 45-year-old Timothy Silveria of Joplin for stealing wire from a public utility.
The two suspects and 34-year-old Dennis B. Ray, of Joplin, were arrested May 25, 2011, with a load of copper wire.
Police say the wire had been cut from nearby Empire District Electric Co. utility poles in an area of the city devastated by the tornado on May 22.
The Joplin Globe reports ( ) Ray was sentenced in December to three years in prison.
Information from: The Joplin (Mo.) Globe,
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Leap Motion's 'Minority Report'-esque controller ships to first buyers
Devin Coldewey NBC News
21 hours ago
Leap Motion
The Leap Motion Controller in action, controlling a 3-D game.
The Leap Motion Controller, which tracks users' hands with great precision and allows for gesture controls like those made famous in the movie "Minority Report," is arriving this week on the doorsteps of those who pre-ordered it.
Leap Motion
The device is extremely small and powered by USB.
Leap Motion's device tracks your hand and fingers with an infrared sensor, and the company claims that it's hundreds of times more sensitive than similar devices like the Kinect. And it's all in a device about the size of a stick of gum and costs a surprisingly low $80.
Imagine brushing aside windows with a wave of the hand, pausing Netflix with a raised palm, or just using your finger to control the cursor when your wrist is sore from long hours of Excel (or games).
Of course, even the coolest peripheral is useless if nothing works with it. And right now the Leap is compatible mainly with a stable of 75 approved apps they've collected at Leap Motion's "Airspace Store."
A few companies are already lined up to implement the device in their apps and games (Corel and Disney, for instance), but until some bigger names like Microsoft and Adobe take up the call, it may be more of an impressive tech demo than a transformative experience.
The Leap Motion Controller is just now arriving in buyers' and reviewers' laps; we'll be posting our hands-on experience with it later this week.
Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is
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