Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are Black Businesses Suffering From An Undeserved Rep for Bad ...

Image: Goodshoot

The Grio has been focusing on black-owned businesses and, more specifically, some of the issues facing these companies. ?One of the common complaints that the author, Lawrence Watkins, saw across social media in response to his story is this: ?Customer service is terrible with black-owned businesses.?

?Although this is definitely not true for many black businesses, it is an area in which we need to pay special attention,? writes Watkins. Good customer service breeds more business and customer loyalty, he continues. People who are ?very satisfied? are more likely to come back and spread the word to others about the quality of the service.

The story lays out the barriers to good customer service: stressed out owners and workers who wear a number of different hats; arguing with customers in ?tense situations?; and a failure to go the extra mile beyond the sale, giving the customer a good experience overall.

It ought to be said that any of these issues could plague a business owned by anyone from any background. But the fact is if there?s a perception that black businesses specifically are more prone to these issues, it could preclude that business? success.

Is this an undeserved reputation for black-owned businesses? And please take to the comments to talk up the great customer experiences you?ve had with a black-owned business.

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