Saturday, December 24, 2011

Obama Christmas Card Flap Reflects Nation's Cynicism (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Criticism of the White House Christmas Card by Sarah Palin and Fox News at first made me laugh, except it's not really funny. It's a symptom of all that is wrong in our politics and our society these days, with such utter lack of civility and with quests to criticize President Barack Obama for everything possible.

To me, Americans should be able to see this and forsake this regardless of whether or not they support President Obama politically.

This year's presidential Christmas card illustrates a warm and cozy White House library, with a fire roaring and a few gift-wrapped presents beneath a poinsettia on a table. The Obama family dog, Bo, is sprawled at the foot of the fireplace. The salutation states, "From our family to yours, may your holidays shine with the light of the season."

Palin, speaking on Fox News radio, said the card lacked the word "Christmas" and failed to express the Christian values of "family, faith and freedom." She would have preferred an illustration that emphasized "American foundational values, illustrated and displayed."

Palin, supported by Fox commentary, summarized, "It's just a different way of thinking coming out of the White House."

That's a pathetic cheap shot, and it's not just Sarah Palin being Sarah Palin. A sad number of Americans will applaud her.

The Los Angeles artist who created the scene, Mark Matuszak, told the L.A. Times he simply was striving to emphasize family values. He did a wonderful job and he shouldn't be catching this flak.

Rachel Maddow on msnbc is known as a liberal, but facts are facts, and she was armed on a telecast this week. First, she showed cards ranging from George W. Bush (2005) and Ronald Reagan (1983) that depicted nothing but a snow-ensconced White House. Then, the Christmas card from Fox News illustrates Fox winning a sled race with rival networks trailing behind. Perhaps appropriately, sheep are pulling the sleds.


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